er of 10,000, proficient in various weapons. 。Three masters surrounded them, one throwing axes, another wielding a whip, and the last brandishing twin blades. 。But Xu Jingming proactively met him, hi..."Because of his confidence in his strength, he dared to use a shield technique that was not yet mature." Miyagawa Akira's words fell on the distant ground, calm as ever, "He used this to hone his shield technique, and as it gradually improved, his growth rate was truly astonishing."
My only chance is to exploit the weakness in his shield.
The more he procrastinates, the fewer his flaws chest! A spear had driven itself through his torso. 。"No—"Li Wenxiu was very unwilling, but her body still turned into a phantom. 。The moment he was eliminated, the number changed from 93 to 92. At...