turn. He stepped forward and handed the guard order to the petite woman with a round face who was handling the matter.As a female cultivator, she had aided countless cultivators in ascending their ran...Never before has a Lingxi Realm cultivator been so sought after. After the Windflower Courtyard and Zhuri Mountain's strongholds were breached, Lu Ye instantly became the darling of all major sects. To achieve this level with the cultivation base of the eighth layer of the Lingxi Realm is unprecedented throughout history.
Who wouldn't want to break into their neighbor's stronghold and beat their longtime rivals into the ground It's a shame that there has never been a way to breach their defenses before.
It's here now!
Naturally, all the major sects of the Haotian Alliance flocked to it. arms has been issued, and the four armies have almost completely assembled. In a few days, it will be time. Then, as before, the four armies will launch a simultaneous attack on Shenque Sea from all...